

李琼玲(南开大学):Higgs bundles and minimal surfaces in non-compact symmetric spaces

课程摘要: 待定

田垠(北京师范大学):Topological quantum field theory and Khovanov homology

课程摘要: Lecture 1. Jones and quantum group
Lecture 2. Topological quantum field theory and Khovanov homology (Kh)
Lecture 3. Categorified quantum group
Lecture 4. Application of Kh, symplectic Kh.

吴惟为(浙江大学):The symplectomorphism group

课程摘要: 待定

杨文元(北京国际数学研究中心):Groups acting on hyperbolic spaces

课程摘要: 待定

周正一(中科院数学所):Intersection theory of punctured holomorphic curves and planar open books

课程摘要: Using Wendl's theorem on planar open book as an example, we will introduce Siefring’s intersection theory for punctured holomorphic curves.
Lecture 1: Open books, symplectic Lefschetz fibrations, Wendl’s theorem on planar open books and its applications in symplectic fillings.
Lecture 2-3: Siefring’s intersection theory for punctured holomorphic curves.
Lecture 4: Proof of Wendl’s theorem.